Training Hub Schemes in Humber & North Yorkshire

Please click on the cards below to find out more information about the various schemes currently available, or view a summary of HNY workforce and training schemes

If you would like more information on anything, or just a general discussion about how we could support you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on – we’re always happy to arrange to have a chat!

ACP Trainee Support (ACP Ready)

Offers support and funding for practices to employ and train an Advanced Clinical Practitioner over their first two years whilst working towards completing the MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice.

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Advanced Practice Forward

Offers an ongoing support and development programme for qualified ACPs and PAs beyond preceptorship

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BiteSize CPD Webinars

Find details of upcoming CPD funded webinars

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Cervical Screening Training

Find details of upcoming funded cervical screening courses for HNY

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CPD Funded Training

Supports practices and PCNs to access CPD funded training for Nurses, NAs and Allied Health Professionals. Find full details of all funded training offers

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GP Fellowships

Find details of funded GP Fellowship offers available in HYN

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HCA Apprenticeship Support (HCA Ready)

Support for practices to access training for an Apprentice Healthcare Assistant.

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New to Practice Nurse and NA VTS

Offers support for practices to employ and train a newly qualified or new-to-practice nurse or nursing associate.

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PA Preceptorship Support (PA Ready)

Offers support and funding for practices to employ a new Physician Associate.

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Rotational Paramedic Scheme

Supports practices to host a paramedic funded by ARRS on a continuing six week rotational basis in collaboration with the ambulance service.

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Student Nurses in General Practice

Offers support for practices and nurse mentors/ assessors/ supervisors to take undergraduate student nurses on placement.

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TNA Training Support (TNA Ready)

Offers support and guidance for practices to access the Trainee Nursing Associate apprenticeship course, develop a Nursing Associate and access funding.

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